Mach technology Maastricht
We have been developing and producing high-quality electronic products for 35 years. We aim for close partnerships with our clients, partners, specialists, and suppliers. This way we significantly reduce the time-to-market of your product.
From study, proof of concept, development, prototypes, 0 series to serial production. We can take these steps with enthusiasm and reality all from our location in Maastricht. We take responsibility in the areas of product & process development, logistics & purchasing, production & assembly, service and end-of-life management.
Within the Mach technology companies, the Maastricht location distinguishes itself with its organisation and ways of working that facilitate efficient and flexible production of relative small volumes.
The markets in which we are active through our customers are; Automotive, Biotechnology, Food & Agro, Petrochemicals, Shipping, ICT/Data Centres Leisure and Medical. Thanks to our experience and involvement with various market leaders, we understand what is going on in these markets.
From idea to next-generation high-quality electronic products
You can contact us during every phase of product development. We have expertise in all aspects from development to production. From idea to next-generation high-quality electronic products. We form a reliable basis for translating your innovative ideas into feasible solutions. Solutions for hardware, software and mechanics. We tune these to perfection each other. We tackle projects efficiently, and cost-consciously, with thorough professional knowledge and mastery of serial production processes. Our knowledge and experience are invaluable to your product and how it performs in your market.
We use the prototypes not only for technical assessment but also to evaluate production. That is why we submit to the assembly of the prototypes already the focus on serial production. A careful process. We are happy to take care of the entire production, stock, and logistics for you. Also for products that have not been (co-)developed by us. Belongs to us this includes good professional guidance, flexibility in delivery time/quantities, and an expert point of contact if you have any questions.
Our production, both for PCB assembly and end product assembly, is designed for high mix and low to medium volume. We have advanced resources such as pick and place, AOI, in-circuit tester, coating machines…
We work on a sustainable relationship with our customers from the perspective that we can reap the benefits together, such as achieving efficiency from follow-up developments and further optimizing production processes.
Electronics | Development | Production
- 14.000 m2 production in NL
- Multiple locations in NL
- 330+ FTE > 40+ engineers
- Proto to 100.000+ pcs production
- Product lifecycle management for your products
- Highest quality standards
- 50+ years track record
- Testing and service engineers